Time was, when, simply because you were the only one close enough, you got the speaking gigs and training engagements.
Today, with the advent of technology and the prevalence of virtual and hybrid events, you get chosen not because you are the nearest,
but only because you are the best!
The time of the truly global speaker is upon us!
There are three things we can equip ourselves with, to face this onrushing future with confidence.
Are You Culturally Aware?
Times are changing, old values are getting reinterpreted, and new ones being born to reflect the global go-getter mindset of the millennial generation. It is important for us as speakers to understand the ethos of our audience and be the bridge that connects their questions to the answers hidden and latent in their own culture and heritage.
Are You Technologically Ready?
From speech preparation to presentation, from audience engagement to feedback gathering, tools abound. And, they are threatening to create a divide between the tech-savvy speaker who uses AI to analyse her audience and remote-presence tools to reach a far larger group, and the tech-newbie who is still grappling vainly with Powerpoint slides and Zoom passwords.
Are You Willing To Collaborate?
Man is a social animal. And, now, more than ever before, there is widespread realisation of the benefits of collaboration. There is too much out there for one person to master in a lifetime. The key skill for one to imbibe is the art of collaboration and complementary support. Come together. Work together. Learn together. Get better together.
At PSAI, our constant effort is to equip you with these three. You get to meet, work with, and learn from professionals, each a specialist in their own right. Writers, speakers, trainers, evangelists, gurus, masters of every ilk, volunteer their time and effort to boost the collective capability of the community. I welcome you to The Professional Speakers Association of India, and wish you a happy plentitude of fruitful interactions!